Commercial Solar Installer Kit
Commercial solar installations might give you a little reprieve from the challenges of a typical residential rooftop install, however the manual labor is absolutely going to be exponentially higher.
It’s all about humping 40lb panels and 30lb ballast block. Multiply that times the size of your job and you’ll quickly realize that’s a lot of weight. It’s tiring on the body and as the day wears on, chances are your crew will start to get less and less efficient with their technique.
The good news is our tools can assist with this monotonous job. And we’ve put together a Commercial Solar Installer Kit that has all the essentials to get the job done faster, safer and easier.
Here’s what you get:
(2) Solar Panel Caddy: Which provides a method for an installer to carry solar panels with more security and less stress and contortion of the body.
(2) Ballast Block Carrier: Which assists with carrying ballast block aka CMU block with a more ergonomic lift and less stress on the body.
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